What We Do
We strive to be a connector for all youth substance use prevention efforts in Clark, Klickitat and Skamania counties.Prevent Services
Prevent follows the Strategic Prevention Framework to assess community problems, build capacity to address the problem, make an action plan then implement the prevention plan, and evaluate our efforts. Throughout the process we strive towards cultural competency and sustainable efforts. This framework allows us to implement prevention strategies with the greatest positive impact on our community.
Prevent offers the following services to our districts and communities:

Local Data Tracking
Through a partnership with ESD 112 and Clark County Public Health Epidemiologists, Prevent has access to a number of local health data, including youth substance use rates, mental health data, school discipline and more. To access this data visit the reports section of the website or explore the resources page. Email preventcoalition@esd112.org if there is a specific set of data you’re interested in or if there is a way you’d like data to be communicated that isn’t available on the website.
Prevention Tool Lending
We have multiple tools that can be shared with community organizations, coalitions and partners within our region. Tools include:
- A vape device kit that teaches adults, school staff, parents about the different vapor products that exist on the market and how youth are using/accessing them. It’s helpful to know what to look out for when talking to your children or students about vapor products. Learning what vapor products look like is an excellent first step in preparing yourself to confidently and kindly talk to youth about vaping.
- A “Youth2Youth” peer education toolkit that is filled will lesson plans, scripts, ice breaker activities, presentations, radio PSA’s and more, that empower an adult advisor to develop or improve a youth prevention club.
- A tabletop spinner that can be used for engaging youth and adults about prevention during tabling events, conferences or event fairs. The spinner is frequently used to list drug facts or prevention questions as an interactive game where participants can earn prizes. These prizes can be paired with business cards, meeting announcements, or other promotional materials.
Coalition Mentoring & Technical Assistance
With access to a range of local experts and leaders in prevention, ESD 112 and Prevent Coalition have been supporting coalitions and community partners through mentorships and sustainability planning since 2003. Whether it is formalized mentoring through a grant established structure or more informal, one-on-one and one-off guidance, Prevent is available to support and empower other coalitions to thrive.
Decision-Maker Engagement
One of the powerful ways Prevent engages the community in advocacy is through developing a unified prevention voice within the Southwest Washington region. We share latest policy updates, track current bills, and help coalitions deliver meaningful, educational messages with their local or state decision-makers. Prevent also helps government-funded entities understand the difference between advocacy and lobbying. There are many options for discussing policy, and ways Prevention Professionals are ethically obligated to discuss policy, that don’t include lobbying. Contact us to request consultation or learn about upcoming advocacy training events.
Training Opportunities
Prevent routinely hosts or promotes community webinars, in-person trainings and opportunities to learn about topics including health, the developing brain, meeting management, drug and alcohol misuse, resiliency and more.
Custom Workshops and Presentations
Prevent staff are often requested to facilitate workshops or one-hour presentations about prevention and public health that are tailored to community needs. Examples include what works and what doesn’t in prevention, the developing teen brain, vaping research and local data, the Strategic Prevention Framework, how to develop effective prevention campaigns and more.
Have a presentation in mind? Contact us outlining your needs and availability.
Local Resource Referrals
The goals of a community coalition are to 1) decrease youth substance misuse and 2) increase community collaboration and connectedness. Need help finding a resource or have an idea for a new, untapped resource?
Grant Application Review
The primary source of sustainability at ESD 112 is federal and state grant funding. Prevent has successfully supported partners is applying for new grants and submitting proposals for grant continuation. A few key staff are available to offer guidance and suggestions at no cost, however, thorough grant writing may involve a fee for staff time. Email preventcoalition@esd112.org including what level of support is being requested, grant application materials, deadlines and other relevant information.